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Harry Potter and the Plilosopher's Stone Game Shots

Here, I have inserted some game shots of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone


Way to Hagrid's Hut

Hagrid has invited harry to his small hut. Harry is going there but has to face so many problems. He has to wilt some dangerous plants, get rid of Doxies, and cast Flipendo on Snails to stop them.

A Secret Wizard Card

Harry has found out a secret place and a chest containing a wizard card on his way to Hagrid's Hut.

In Hagrid's Hut

Hagrid is asking Harry to fetch some fire seeds from the Fire plant to put in the fire for making the Dragons egg to hatch.

Peeves' attack

Peeves is disturbing Harry when he is in the Lumos challenge. He has to get rid of peeves and continue his challenge. For that he has to cast Flipendo on peeves.


Harry is playing his first Quidditch match. He is the seeker and his job is to catch the snitch. He has to go near the snitch and catch it before the other team seeker and make his team win.

Potions class

Harry is in the Potions class with Snape, the Potions teacher. Harry is late so Snape takes 5 points from Gryffindor. Snape then asks Harry to bring the ingredients for the Potion from the Dungeons. They are Wiggentree bark, Dittany, Moly and Flobberworm Moucus. Harry goes to the Dungeons and finds Dittany. She goes towards it to take it but the Bridge in between breaks and Harry falls down. He is now in another place in Dungeons and continues searching for the ingredients.

Escape the Troll

Harry and Ron went to the girl's bathroom on Halloween to bring Hermione to the dormitory from the Bathroom as she didn't know that the troll is out. They were chased by the troll. They escaped from the troll but then heard Hermione's scream from the Bathroom. They went to rescue her and were attacked by the troll. Ron said Harry that he would cast Wingardium Leviousa on the stick with the troll and hit the troll with it. Till then Harry has to cast Flipendo on the things thrown by the Troll.