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Harry Potter


Harry Potter - The Boy Who Lived

Harry Potter has spent the first 11 years of his life been bullied by the Dursleys. He believes that his parents died in a car crash when he was a baby and his scar, a product of the crash. He is forced to sleep in the cupboard under the stairs.

Harry receives some mail addressed to him in his cupboard shortly after his 11th birthday but his Uncle Vernon gets it before he could read it. The letters keep on coming and Uncle Vernon decides to take his family on the run with him.

They hire a boat and are awoken by a giant man, Hagrid. He told him about Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He told Harry that his parents were wizards and were murdered by Lord Voldemort who then lost his power when he tried to kill Harry.Hagrid takes Harry to Diagon Alley and buys all his school things and a pet owl for his birthday. Harry calls it Hedwig.

The Dursleys take Harry to Kings Cross station to catch his train, the Hogwarts Express. On the train he makes friends with Ron Weasley and also saw a swotty girl, Hermione who lately becomes their friend. Harry arrives at Hogwarts and was sorted to Gryffindor, the house of brave and dare people to which even Ron and Hermione were sorted to. Harry starts to get used to his new life and likes every subject apart from Potions with Professor Snape who seems to hate him. They take flying lessons and Harry catches Nerville Longbottom's remembrall after been taunted by a Slytherin evil, Draco Malfoy.Professor McGonagall takes him to see Oliver Wood, the Gryffindor Quidditch team captain and makes Harry the Gryffindor seeker.

Watch the Hary potter and the Goblet of fire trailer

Goblet of fire trailer

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Mad Eye Moody's Game

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I can provide you a site from were you can get beautiful hp avatars, both animated and non animated.

Here, I have inserted a Gryffindor crest animated avatar which I got from that site. If you want some, click the link below -

Get cool Harry Potter Avatars